Our little Ellie likes to suck on things: her blankets, clothes, pacifier, fist... Well, today she found her thumb. She's still a little clumsy and gets both her thumb and forefinger, but it was pretty cute. I still prefer the pacifier to the thumb, but I had to take pictures first. =)

I'm not sure which is better - pacifiers or thumbs. Both of my boys are thumb suckers and it saved me the trouble of finding a paci during the night, but I also can't throw it away when they turn 2! :-)
As for their teeth, one has great teeth with no extra overbite due to the thumb sucking and the other has a definite overbite and crooked teeth because of the thumb sucking.
I think it would be best if they didn't suck anything except lollipops... But try telling that to a baby! *grin*
We've been giving her a pacifier. Thankfully, she's very good already at keeping it in her mouth. Yesterday it fell out and I watched her wiggle and wiggle and wiggle until she'd inched her body close enough to it that she could stick out her lips and suck the pacifier back into her mouth. It was cute! And I haven't had to get up in the night to put the pacifier back into her mouth - if it falls out once she's asleep, she doesn't even notice.
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