Monday, July 07, 2008

Booster seats and potty chairs....

Ellie has officially graduated out of her booster seat at the table. The past couple weeks we've been having to fight with her over mealtimes because she didn't want to sit at the table. Finally a lightbulb went on and I asked her if she wanted to sit in a big chair at the table. She did and she's been happy to sit in the big people chairs ever since! So we finally took the booster seat off her chair and stored it in the basement with all of the other equipment she's outgrown. She used that booster for about a year and a half, so I guess we got our $20 out of it. It was definitely cheaper than a highchair! I guess our little girl is growing up...

In other growing up news, even though we haven't *really* been working on potty training with her (other than the occasional trip to the bathroom to sit on the potty during a diaper change or asking if she needs to go potty, but nothing consistent) she is getting ready. Yesterday we were in the car driving when she called from the back seat, "Diaper change, Mommy!" That usually means she's *going* to need a diaper change. So we asked her to wait a bit (though she kept insisting she needed a diaper change) and headed in to the first grocery store we saw and found the bathroom. Of course, someone was in there so we had to wait. But when the person finally came out we went in and (though I was sure it was a lost cause at this point) I sat Ellie on the potty and she peed!! It's the first time she's ever told us in public and then waited until we got there! So we did a little happy dance, especially since we were planning on really working on the potty training once she turns 2, in a couple weeks. All told she went potty in the potty 3 times yesterday and even went when she woke up dry after her nap today.

So that's the exciting news from our neck of the woods!! =D Booster seats and potty chairs.


Jaime said...

Wow, good for her! (On the potty-issue) Very cool!

I agree with you on a booster vs. high chair--cheaper and it takes up less room!

Christina said...

That's great she is learning the potty training!