We had our 32 week Dr. appointment today - everything looks perfect, she said! The baby is head down, just like she should be, my blood pressure is great, I passed my glucose test with flying colors, my weight gain is right on schedule, and I still have ankles! We're just happy to hear that everything seems to be going along nicely. This appointment also marks my transition to visiting the Dr. every 2 weeks. We also finished our birth classes tonight. Yep, everything is going just fine.
I'm so glad you still have your ankles!! Have you had to resort to wearing only slip-on shoes yet?
I thought colors—especially those of the flying variety—were a bad sign on a glucose test.
Yeah, you have to watch out for those flying colors. Thankfully none were around when I got dressed that morning - monochromatic, slimming black, here I come!
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