Sunday, July 09, 2006


I'm not so good at waiting. And I'm especially not so good at waiting when I want to meet and hold my baby girl. The months flew by, and now that we're days away from THE event, the days mock me, dragging by, taking their sweet time. I'm not so good at waiting, so come, little girl - mommy wants to meet you.

I'm not so good at sitting still, either. And with the last couple of weeks and the hot weather have come swollen feet, demanding that I sit quietly with my feet up. I'm trying to behave, really I am. But there is banana bread to be baked and I want to get up and make it. There is a craft room to be put back into order, and I want to get up and clean it. There is laundry to be done and I want to take care of it. But instead I sit and put my feet up - and I'm not so good at sitting still.

Yesterday would have been my grandmother's birthday and today my grandfather's. Either day would have been a great day for Phoebe to arrive, as a kind of tribute to them and their lives. But I'm afraid you're running out of time to honor them with your appearance, kiddo. Tomorrow brings another opportunity - another Dr. appointment, another long, slow day. Will it be THE DAY? I don't know, but I hope so. I'm not so good at waiting.


DREW! said...

You know what you need? A little movie called Can't Hardly Wait.

Obviously joking, in case you didn't know.

Leif Wickland said...

Silly, impatient Lousabelle.

Anonymous said...

you've been busy since i last checked your site (a week ago)! the whole time we were in ohio i kept wondering "did phoebe arrive yet?" guess not! i'm holding my breath for you.... hopefully phoebe will arrive before i turn purple and pass out!! :) - tam