Monday, July 18, 2011

Where did the time go?

data, originally uploaded by elizabethwickland.

Where did the last 5 years go? It's hard to believe that tomorrow Eliana will be 5 years old and that in about a month and a half this will be her daily attire as she goes off to school! She is VERY excited about going to kindergarten at Petra Academy, and is excited to see the new Petra building going up just a couple blocks from our house! She can see the new building out her bedroom window. In fact, she thinks they are building it just for her!

While this may be life in a month or so, right now we are enjoying time in Texas - the last bit of summer before school starts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go, girl, with blessing! Enjoy a lifetime of learning in FATHER's honor. Many jumpers later, daily share the joy of learning. Love from your Montana family; Exploration and discovery are such joyful experiences. Keep Looking Up!